Or call in (audio only) 1-480-498-8745
Phone Conference ID: 724 497 195#
Members of the Board/Public may attend the meeting virtually through Microsoft Teams.
If attending virtually and you wish to address the Board during the Public Comment agenda item please email joshua_bell@tempe.gov a minimum of 3 hours prior to meeting start for a commend card.
According to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the Parks, Recreation, Golf, and Double Butte Cemetery Advisory Board may only discuss matters listed on the Parks, Recreation, Golf, and Double Butte Cemetery Advisory Board Agenda. The City of Tempe endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities. With 48 hours advance notice, special assistance is available at public meetings for sight and/or hearing-impaired persons. Please call 350-5200 (voice) or 350-5050 (TDD) to request an accommodation to participate in a public meeting.