City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuInternal Audit
Internal Audit Office
20 E. Sixth St., 2nd Floor
Tempe, AZ 85281
Phone 480-350-8982
Vision/Mission | Role | Staff | Links
To be recognized as a collaborative, strategic, and trusted advisor and vital resource promoting and demonstrating excellence in public stewardship.
To enhance and protect organizational value by providing high-quality, objective, risk-based audit and consulting services to assist the City in achieving strategic priorities, goals, and objectives.
Role of the Internal Audit Office
Per Section. 2-138.2. of the Tempe City Code.
(a) The Internal Audit Office provides independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the City's operations. The scope of the Internal Audit Office activities encompasses, objective examinations of evidence for the purposes of providing independent assessments and investigations of civil fraud and on the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, management of certain risk, and control processes.
(b) The Internal Audit Office is authorized full, free, and unrestricted access to all City functions, records, property, and personnel pertinent to carrying out any engagement, except as prohibited by law.
We employ the following auditing, educational and consultative services:
- appraising and articulating the adequacy of internal controls,
- educating city personnel on standards of internal control,
- reporting on the integrity of information,
- determining compliance with laws, regulations and contracts,
- assessing whether assets are adequately safeguarded,
- assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations,
- appraising the extent to which objectives are accomplished,
- offering investigative services, as needed,
- providing analyses to facilitate decision making,
- testing transactions for compliance with accepted business practice,
- auditing for proper management and accounting of financial resources.
Bill Greene, MPA,CFE
City Auditor
Angela Hill, MPA,CFE
Sr. Auditor
Diana Storino, CPA
Sr. Auditor
Jacqueline Gerald, CPA,CISA
Sr. Auditor
- GAO - The General Accounting Office
- ALGA - The Association of Local Government Auditors
- AGA - The Association of Government Accountants
- AICPA - The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- NASACT - The National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers
- IIA - The Institute of Internal Auditors
- ACFE - The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners