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SUMMARY – Constructed 1915
Historic Use: Residence
Present Use: Residence
National Register Status: Not Listed


The 1915 Judd House is significant for its association with Tempe agricultural history as a onetime rural farmhouse. It is also significant as a local variant of National folk-style residential architecture.
Before 1945, the Tempe area north of the Salt River, east of Rural Road, south of 13th Street (Apache Boulevard), and west of Farmer Avenue remained, with few exceptions, an irrigated agricultural landscape dotted by rural farmhouses. Tempe-area farms produced agricultural commodities—grain, alfalfa, cotton, citrus, and dairy—that served as the basis of the region’s economy before the postwar population boom.
Alfred and Ellen Bell acquired a twenty-five-acre farm in the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 21 (T1N R4E) in 1914 and built the house at 1208 Farmer soon thereafter. In 1927, widowed Ellen sold the property to Charlie Shamblin, who farmed alfalfa on the property. In 1938, Shamblin sold to Orion and Anna Judd; eight years later the couple subdivided the farm and platted State College Homes. They occupied the farmhouse through the 1970s.
The 1915 Judd House is a one-story wood frame house. Rectangular in plan, the house sits on a crawlspace foundation with wood siding walls topped by a medium pitched, front gabled roof with gable vent, overhanging eaves, and exposed rafter ends. A front awning shades the house’s single-leaf entryway. Windows are wood, double hung. 
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