Adult ACE Scholarship Applications Are Now Being Accepted
Adults Achieving a College Education (Adult ACE) scholarship program is accepting applications for classes starting in January 2023. The scholarship covers tuition, fees, and materials for up to 25 credit hours and guides you through those classes as you work toward a certificate or a college degree. Adult ACE aligns with an academic certificate and focuses on classes that are easily transferable and give the broadest exposure to college and college expectations as possible. Adult ACE offers a unique opportunity that will help you improve college and workplace skills, enable you to become a more successful student, and lay the foundation for a better future.
Adult ACE Scholarship Highlights:
● The scholarship covers registration fees, materials, and tuition for up to 25 college credits.
● Courses offered by Adult ACE can be transferred to many degree programs at Maricopa Community Colleges and universities.
● The program aligns with the Language & Literary Culture of the USA academic certificate.
How to apply:
● Contact:
● Attend an online or in-person Information Session
● Complete the application process with the assistance of a designated Adult ACE Student Services Specialist
Apply by 10/20/22