Books and Published Materials
Rose DeForest, A History of Tempe School District No. 3, 1874-1991. (Tempe School District No. 3, 1991).
Bert M. Fireman, "Charles Trumbull Hayden," The Smoke Signal, No. 19 (Spring 1969).
"The First Hundred Years; A Centennial History of the First United Methodist Church, Tempe, Arizona, 1887-1987" (Tempe: First United Methodist Church, 1987).
Carl Trumbull Hayden, Charles Trumbull Hayden, Pioneer (Tucson: Arizona Historical Society, 1972).
Ernest J. Hopkins and Alfred Thomas, Jr., The Arizona State University Story (Phoenix: Southwest Publishing Co., 1960).
Sherwood and Carolyn Idso, A History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Tempe, Arizona (Tempe: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1980).
Joseph C. McGowan, History of Extra-Long Staple Cottons (SuPima Association of America and Arizona Cotton Growers Association, 1961).
"Memorial Addresses and other Tributes in the Congress of the United States on the Life and Contributions of Carl T. Hayden," Senate Document No. 92-68 (1972).
Jack O'Connor, Horse and Buggy West (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969).
Mark Pry, Oasis in the Valley: The Story of Water in Tempe (City of Tempe Water Department, 2006).
Dean Smith, Grady Gammage, ASU's Man of Vision (Arizona State University, 1989).
Dean Smith, Tempe, Arizona Crossroads (Chatsworth, CA: Windsor Publications, 1990).
Karen L. Smith, The Magnificent Experiment; Building the Salt River Reclamation Project, 1890-1917 (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1986).
"Tributes to Honorable Carl Hayden, Senator from Arizona," Senate Document No. 87-76 (1962).
Earl A. Zarbin, Roosevelt Dam: A History to 1911 (Phoenix: Salt River Project, 1984).
Additional books and resources are located in the Research Library.