Under Arizona law, you can be brought to trial only after a formal citation or complaint has been filed. The citation or complaint is a document that states the charge(s) against you and alleges that your actions were unlawful. If you were given a citation/complaint by a police officer, the arraignment date will be the appearance date on your citation/complaint. If you received a summons from the Court, your arraignment date will be the court date indicated on your summons. If you are released from jail your release order will have your Court date on it.
Before the Court can consider your case, you must enter a plea. There are three possible pleas to a criminal charge:
- Not Guilty
- No Contest (nolo contendere)
- Guilty
Your decision on what plea to enter is one of the most important decisions you will make. However if you enter a not-guilty plea, you can later change that plea to resolve your case before trial.
No witnesses are present at arraignment and no testimony will be taken. The judge at arraignment will not grant a defendant's request to dismiss any charges. Instead, you must decide upon and enter a plea to the charge against you.
You may waive your arraignment or conduct your arraignment by mail. See the Court Forms Webpage for the Arraignment by Mail packet.
Diversion Programs
For some offenses, programs offered by the City Prosecutor's Office provide an alternative to the normal trial process. If you are eligible for these programs, information will be provided at the arraignment.
Plea of Not Guilty
A plea of "Not Guilty" means that you are informing the Court that you deny guilt and the State (Prosecutor's Office) must prove the criminal charge(s) against you. Under our American system of justice, all persons are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. On a plea of "Not Guilty," a pre-trial conference will be scheduled, followed by a trial setting. At trial, the State will be required to present evidence to prove all charges against you beyond a reasonable doubt.
If you plead "Not Guilty", you must decide whether to employ an attorney to represent you. You may defend yourself, but no one except an attorney may represent you.
In certain types of cases, a court appointed attorney may be provided for you. In those cases, if you feel that you cannot afford an attorney and wish representation, you may fill out an application requesting that an attorney be appointed to represent you.
If an attorney is appointed to represent you, you may be ordered to contribute to the cost of your attorney.
If you choose to represent yourself, please consult this brochure carefully regarding trial procedure and the proper manner of presenting your case.
Plea of Guilty
By a plea of "Guilty", you admit that you committed the act charged in the complaint(s), that the act is prohibited by law, and that you have no legal defense for your act.
If you were involved in an incident where someone was injured at the time of the alleged offense, your plea of "Guilty" could be used later in a civil suit for damages as an admission by you that you were at fault or were the party responsible for the injury.
Plea of No Contest
A plea of "No Contest", also known as "Nolo Contendere," simply means that you do not wish to contest the State's charge against you. Upon a plea of "No Contest", the Judge will enter a judgment of guilty.
If you enter a plea of "Guilty" or "No Contest", you may be sentenced immediately following the Judge's acceptance of your plea.