City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuExcessive Palm Fronds
Sec. 21-3(b). Enumerated Violations.
Any landscaping, visible from public property, that is substantially dead, damaged, or characterized by uncontrolled growth, or presents a deteriorated appearance; uncultivated plants, weeds, tall grass, uncultivated shrubs or growth (whether growing or otherwise) higher than twelve (12) inches; or any dead trees, bushes, shrubs or portions thereof, including stumps; or any palm or similar type tree having dead or dry fronds descending downward from the base of the lowest living frond more than eight (8) feet or dry fronds longer than five (5) feet and closer than eight (8) feet to the ground
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A common example:
A common violation for this code is a property with dead palm fronds hanging straight down and laying all over the ground underneath the palm trees. The violation in this scenario is allowing those fronds to be dead and gather on the ground when they fall off the tree.