City of Tempe, AZ
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ZDC 3-404. Agricultural Uses.
Agricultural uses, as provided in subsections below, are permitted in the AG district and shall conform to the following standards:
A. Farming. Farming, including all types of agriculture and horticulture, such as flower, vegetable and field crops, berry and bush crops, tree crops, and orchards, and their storage.
B. Livestock. The keeping of livestock, including cattle, horses, sheep, goats or similar animals except the keeping of swine. The number of such livestock permitted shall be calculated on the basis of one horse, cow or similar animal, or two (2) sheep, goats or similar animal for each six thousand (6,000) square feet of net lot area after deducting one-half (1/2) acre for the home site. The total aggregate of all such animals permitted shall be twenty-four (24). Animals of six (6) months or younger shall not be counted.
C. Apiaries. Apiaries, upon the following conditions:
1. Occupied bee hives shall be at least two hundred (200) feet from any existing dwelling on another property;
2. Occupied bee hives shall have a minimum separation of fifty (50) feet to any property line;
3. Occupied bee hives shall have a minimum separation of one hundred fifty (150) feet to any street or bridle path; and
4. Apiaries shall require a use permit.
D. Grazing. The grazing and keeping of cattle, sheep or horses, except swine on a site of five (5) or more acres; including the supplementary feeding of such cattle, sheep, or horses, provided such grazing is not a part of, nor conducted in conjunction with any dairy or livestock sales yard located on the same premises.
E. Processing of Farm Products. Farming and processing of farm products, customarily conducted on farms, is permitted subject to a use permit, on a site five (5) acres or more.
F. Horse Stables. A commercial horse stable may be permitted with a minimum net site of ten (10) acres or more.
G. Keeping of Horses. The keeping of horses for residential use is permitted in the AG district subject to Section 3-404(B). Keeping of horses in the R1-15 and R1-10 district are permitted subject to a use permit provided the following conditions are met:
1. The zoning for such property was in effect prior to 1/20/85;
2. The rear yard of site with R1-15 and R1-10 districts abuts property in the agricultural district and the conditions, covenants and restrictions of such agriculturally zoned property permits the keeping of horses;
3. The lots in the R1-15 and R1-10 districts are not less than thirty thousand five hundred (30,500) square feet in area;
4. The minimum distance from the rear of the dwelling unit to the rear property line is not less than two hundred (200) feet;
5. The lots in the R1-15 and R1-10 districts are located south of Elliot Road; and
6. The number of horses permitted shall be determined by following the criteria set forth in Section 3-404(B).
H. Dairy Farm. A dairy farm may be permitted with a net site area of forty (40) acres or more.
I. Small Animals. A number of small animals shall not be considered as an agricultural use and are permitted in all residential districts which have a single-family dwelling, subject to the following:
1. No more than five (5) small animals collectively are allowed on an individual lot;
2. No more than two (2) pot-bellied pigs are allowed on an individual lot and shall be counted in the total allotment for small animals;
3. The keeping of roosters or peafowl is prohibited, except in the AG district; and
4. It shall be unlawful to keep small animals in a manner that constitutes a nuisance.
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A common example:
A common violation for this code is a property in a single family district with more than 5 chickens in the backyard. The violation in this scenario is having more than 5 small animals collectively.