City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuHousing Choice Voucher Program in Tempe
The Housing Choice Voucher waitlist is closed
We have completed the random lottery in the housing software. If your status has been changed to "inactive" this means your application was not selected for the 2023 waiting list. You will receive an official notice on or before April 21, 2023.
The City Tempe Public Housing Authority will randomly select 3,000 pre-applications from all those received. Selected applicants will then be placed onto the City of Tempe’s HCV Waitlist. Pre-applicants not selected will have to reapply for assistance at another time.
All households who submit a pre-application will be notified regarding the outcome of the lottery. If you have provided an e-mail address, you will be notified by e-mail. If an e-mail address is not provided, you will be notified by mail.
Once placed on the City of Tempe Housing Authority waitlist, applicants must notify the Housing Authority of any and all contact information changes. Finally, while on the waitlist, applicants must respond to all correspondence received from the Housing Authority or you will be removed from the waiting list
The City of Tempe Housing Authority's waitlist was open Feb. 28-March 13.
If you need assistance
For general questions, call 480-350-8950 Monday – Friday from 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. Please be patient. All applicants will be notified of their lottery result by April 15.
Find the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Waitlist FAQ here. (PDF)
Find general details about the HCV program here. (PDF)
Housing Choice Voucher Program
The Housing Choice Voucher Program was enacted by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and is funded through and monitored by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program in Tempe is administered by the City of Tempe Human Services Department's Housing Services, which is the public housing authority (PHA) for the city.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program provides low- to extremely-low income families a choice in housing that is safe, sanitary, and affordable through rent subsidies. Through the program a family can pay more or less than 30% of their adjusted gross income, depending on the actual rent of the unit they find. The maximum amount that Housing Services will pay is an amount equal to the Payment Standard minus the family’s total tenant payment.
Housing Services makes a housing assistance payment for the remaining part of the rent directly to the Landlord.
Payment Standard
is established by the City of Tempe Housing Services
is based on the cost of housing and utilities for Tempe; and
depends on the family composition and the bedroom size of the unit. For example, the payment standard is higher for families requiring 3-bedroom units than families requiring 1-bedroom units.
- Click here for the current Income Limits, Payment Standards and Utility Allowance Information
Housing Choice Voucher Eligibility & Wait List Information
Housing Choice Voucher Participant (Tenant) Information
Housing Choice Voucher Landlord Information
Housing Choice Voucher Forms & Documents
Housing Services Plans, Public Notices, and Policies
Requests for Accommodation
Persons with disabilities may request a reasonable accommodation in order to fully utilize this housing program and any related services. We will make all reasonable efforts to be flexible in assisting persons with disabilities to participate in the program successfully. Requests for accommodation will be verified to ensure that the accommodation is reasonable. Examples of reasonable accommodations are: home visits if your disability prevents you from coming to our office, TDD device, accessible formats for correspondence, the use of an advocate or interpreter for those with Limited English Proficiency, a current listing of rental units known for accessibility to disabled persons that may be available.
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