Artist: Heidi Dauphin
Project: To create a sculpture for the traffic circle in the University Heights Neighborhood. The sculpture includes two poles with panels attached that show maps of the neighborhood.
Neighborhood: University Neighborhood

Artist: Martin Moreno
Project: To create a sculpture with steel cutout designs containing local flora and fauna and a tree symbolic of life.
Neighborhood: Sunset Neighborhood
We have shared more details about this project on social media. Click here for more information!

Artist: Rachel Slick and Timothy Schirack
Project: To create a collection of ten sculptures that will highlight scenes of desert flora and fauna.
Neighborhood: McClintock and Santo Tomas Neighborhoods
We have shared more details about this project on social media. Click here for more information!
2020-2021 projects:
Daley Park NA: Art installation on wall at Vista del Cerro and Rural Road
Optimist Park NE, NW, SW, SE NAs: Artistic sculptures along El Paso path
Rural Geneva NA: Artistic irrigation standpipes in Meyer Park
University Heights NA: Artistic entry sculpture at Lemon and Dorsey
2019-2020 projects:
Clark Park NA: Artistic standpipes
Daley Park NA: Artistic standpipes
University Park NA: Artistic standpipes and wall