Step One: Have the following documents ready or in process before applying
A Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT or sales tax) License is required annually for the business
Retail activity includes the sale of any tangible personal property, including items such as furniture, appliances, clothing, jewelry, equipment, etc.
Apply, File & Pay Transaction Privilege Tax at AZTaxes.gov

A LeadsOnline account must be established and account number must be provided. Tempe Police will verify at time of background check that account is set up. Click logo below to set up:

Step Two: A Tempe Auction House License is required annually for the business and must include an application for the following to be complete:
the auction house business
each individual owner
If you need a Tempe Regulatory License, you will need to renew before January 1 each year.
Step Three: A Tempe Use Permit is required from the Planning Division.
Pursuant to Section 3-302, Permitted Uses in Office/Industrial Districts, and Section 3-202, Permitted Uses in Commercial and Mixed-Use Districts, of the City of Tempe Zoning and Development Code (ZDC), a Use Permit is required to operate a “pawnshop” in the GID, General Industrial District. The Use Permit application process is identified in Section 6-308, Use Permits, of the ZDC.
Step Four: Fingerprints are required for all applicants so a background investigation can be completed by Tempe Police Dept.
Click Here to download City of Tempe Fingerprint Packet
The City of Tempe Code requires that all applicants must submit fingerprints to Tempe Police.
Fingerprints may be obtained at any fingerprinting service company in the United States. Tempe Police Department offers fingerprint services to business license applicants free of charge. To check availability, please call Tempe PD Licensing Unit 480-350-5300. Please ensure you are following the proper procedure to submit the fingerprints. Refer to the City of Tempe Fingerprint Packet for further information.
Required items are as follows:
USDOJ FBI Fingerprint Card, FD258, blue and white in color.
$22 fingerprint fee (in the form of a cashier’s check or money order, made out to Arizona Dept of Public Safety) must be submitted with each person’s fingerprint card.
Licensing Fingerprint Form (this is on the first page of the fingerprint packet, and needs to be filled out by the fingerprint technician).
Enclose all items into a sealed envelope that can be mailed or dropped off to Tempe Police Department at the below address.
Mailed to:
Tempe Police Department
Attn: Licensing Unit
120 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ 85281
Questions on fingerprinting? Please call 480-350-5300

$50 Annual license fee per business (due by January 1 each year)
Total: $50 total for new license
(*annual license fee is $35 after June 30)
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express by phone or in-person

We accept check by mail or in-person. We do not accept cash.
Application Processing Time
30 days (from time all documents received)
New license application is forwarded to:
Tempe Police Department

Tempe Fire Department

Building Safety
