Council Subcommittees

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Council Subcommittees allow Tempe City Councilmembers to develop policies and share information that aligns with the city’s strategic priorities and enhances the quality of life for our community.

Each member may establish two subcommittees.  Each subcommittee may have two to three members.

Council Subcommittee meetings are open to the public in accordance with Arizona’s Open Meeting Law.  

Nuisance Ordinance Council Subcommittee

Garlid- Woods- Chin








Chair: Vice Mayor Doreen Garlid

Subcommittee member: Mayor Corey Woods and Councilmember Arlene Chin

Purpose: The purpose of this subcommittee is to formalize the process of developing a nuisance ordinance to protect neighborhoods.

Background: Conversations about creating a nuisance ordinance were held as part work of the City Task Force on Unlawful Sober Living Homes. The task force was composed of staff from Community Health and Human Services, Tempe Police Department, Tempe Fire Medical Rescue, and Code Enforcement. Two neighborhood meetings were also held to discuss the concerns of residents regarding homes that elicit a high volume of calls for service to Police and Fire and citations by Code Enforcement. 

Meeting information
2 p.m.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Tempe City Hall – 31 E. 5th St.
Third floor conference room

Microsoft Teams

 Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 219 740 547 573

Passcode: wD6X5dP9

Dial in by phone

+1 480-498-8745,,104039733# United States, Phoenix

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Phone conference ID: 104 039 733#

Council Assistant Parrish Spisz


Increased Advocacy for Tempe Youth with Disabilities Council Subcommittee Meeting

Hodge - Woods 






Chair: Councilmember Berdetta Hodge
Subcommittee member: Mayor Corey Woods

Purpose: The purpose of this subcommittee is to explore how the City of Tempe can assist Tempe youth with disabilities, and their families and caregivers, navigate and better understand the resources available in Tempe and the State of Arizona for academic, career, and life success.

Background: Over the last year, families of Tempe youth with disabilities presented issues they face as they seek to ensure their children achieve long-term academic, and career, and life success. In August 2024, a group of families met twice with Councilmember Hodge requesting assistance from the City of Tempe and their school districts to achieve these goals.

To assist these families, Councilmember Hodge seeks to partner with school districts based in Tempe to explore, study, and understand ideas how to assist these individuals access resources for academic, career, and life success.

Meeting information

12:00 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 24, 2025
Tempe City Hall – 31 E. 5th St.
3rd Floor, Large Conference Room

Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 210 660 518 089

Passcode: ws3Dn3AC

Dial in by phone

+1 480-498-8745,,468294782# United States, Phoenix

Find a local number

Phone conference ID: 468 294 782#


Council Assistant Vanessa Lopez
