Anytime the use of force results in serious physical injury or death, there is both a criminal investigation and an administrative investigation into the incident. The criminal investigation is conducted by the Criminal Investigations Bureau and forwarded to the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office for a decision regarding any potential criminal charges against the officer using force.
Additionally, the Professional Standards Bureau conducts an administrative investigation to determine if any policies or procedures were violated during the incident. While there is some overlap, the criminal investigation takes priority so as not to jeopardize any potential criminal proceedings. This also allows for the criminal investigation decision from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to be included with the administrative investigation.

Use of Force review general steps Infographic information begins. Tempe PD Officer Seal Image. Force Review General Steps 1. Employee reports use of force. 2. Supervisor reviews incient & body camera video. 3. Supervisor documents incident. Leads to force used within policy or force used out of policy. The process for Force used within policy: 1. Training unit review - strikes, k9 bites, takedowns, impacts, injuries. 2. Force review committee. 3. Citizens review panel. The process for Force used out of policy: 1. Chain of command review. 2. Internal Affairs. 3. Citizens review panel. After process concludes: Police Chief reviews recommendations to determine if further action is needed. Infographic information ends.

Please reference Chapter 2, Article X of the Tempe City Code for the ordinance governing the Tempe Citizens’ Panel for Review of Police Complaints and Use of Force. The link to the City Code is here:
Use of Force IF USE OF FORCE RESULTS IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH Infographic information begins. Tempe PD Officer Seal Image. IF USE OF FORCE RESULTS IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. Concurrent Investigations: 1. Criminal Investigation - internal and/or external. and 2. Internal Investigation. The process for Criminal Investigation - internal and/or external: Referral to prosecutor's office. It is determined that the action is DETERMINED JUSTIFIED OR "REASONABLE or DETERMINED NOT JUSTIFIED OR "REASONABLE". For Justified or reasonable actions there is no further actions. If determined not justified or reasonable criminal filing and trial occurs. The process for internal investigation: Did officer(s) comply with policies? Address policy or training as needed and/or discipline or corrective action if needed. These steps are presented to citizens review panel. Please reference Chapter 2, Article X of the Tempe City Code for the ordinance governing the Tempe Citizens’ Panel for Review of Police Complaints and Use of Force. The link to the City Code is here: Infographic information ends.