Who is a Victim?

Arizona defines a victim as the person against whom a criminal offense has been committed, including a minor, or if the person is killed or incapacitated, the person's spouse, parent, child, grandparent, or sibling, any other person related to the person by consanguinity or affinity to the second degree or any other lawful representative is in custody for an offense or is the accused.

You Have Rights as a Crime Victim

All victims have the following rights during any criminal case in Arizona:

  • To be informed of rights at various stages of the process
  • To be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity
  • To receive notice of proceedings
  • To keep contact information confidential
  • To receive notice of offender’s release dates
  • To attend court proceedings
  • To be heard at court proceedings
  • To confer with the prosecutor
  • To a speedy trial and disposition
  • To refuse an interview with the defense
  • To miss work to attend court proceedings, in some cases
  • To prompt restitution

See a full list of victim’s rights in the Arizona Revised Statutes.

To invoke any one of these rights in the Tempe Municipal Court please contact Victim Services.

Services Provided

The City of Tempe Prosecutor's Office provides services for victims of misdemeanor crimes committed and charged in the City of Tempe.

Victim Services Provided:

  • Update victims with case status information and court dates
  • Provide information to victims regarding rights and invocation procedures.
  • Educate victims on the procedures of the criminal justice system
  • Escort victims to court upon request
  • Act as a liaison between the victim and prosecutor
  • Assist with Victim related paperwork
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If you have questions please contact Victim Services at 480-350-8285 or victimservices@tempe.gov.