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ZDC 4-702. General Landscape Standards.

F. Trees.

 1. Planted as Screens. Trees planted as screens shall provide an opaque or semiopaque barrier, as required through development plan review, and shall maintain a view corridor for street addressing (i.e., as viewed from curb).

2. Tree Specifications. All trees shall be a minimum of one and one-half (1 ½) inch caliper and shall be planted and staked in accordance with the "Standard Tree Planting Detail," as may be amended from time to time, which is on file in the office of the Development Services Department and is incorporated herein by reference. Plant sizes shall be in accordance with the Arizona Nurseryman Association Standards.

3. Prohibited Trees. The planting and replacement of pollen-producing olive trees (olea europaea) or mulberry trees (morus alba) is prohibited. Olive or mulberry tree varieties or cultivars that are pollenless and fruitless such as "swan hill" olive may be planted or replaced. It shall be a violation of this code to plant eucalyptus (except microtheca, papuana, krusena, formanii, erythrocorys, spathulata and torquata), elm (except ulmus parvifolia), willow, cottonwood or poplar trees in any public right-of-way.

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A common example:

A common violation for this code is a property that plants trees less than one and one-half (1 ½) inch caliper. The violation in this scenario is not following the minimum of one and one-half (1 ½) inch caliper and staked in accordance with the "Standard Tree Planting Detail."