City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuSanitary Facilities
Sec. 21-31. Sanitary facilities.
(a) General provision. Every rental housing unit should have sanitary facilities, adequate for personal cleanliness and the disposal of human waste, which are properly installed and maintained in sound condition, free from defects, leaks or obstructions and connected to a safe supply of potable water and an approved sewage system.
(b) Flush toilet. Every rental housing unit shall contain a room that is equipped with a flush toilet in sound condition and properly connected to an approved water and sewage system.
Every flush toilet shall have:
(1) An integral water-seal trap that eliminates the passage of sewage gases into the room; and
(2) Smooth, impervious, easily cleanable surfaces free from cracks or breaks and makeshift repairs that leak or are likely to cause injury to someone and shall be equipped with seats and flush tank covers constructed of smooth impervious materials free of cracks or breaks that leak or are likely to injure a person.
(c) Lavatory basins. Every rental housing unit shall contain a fixed lavatory basin in sound condition and properly connected to an approved hot and cold water system and a sewage system. The basin shall be in the same room as the toilet or as near to that room as practicable. If a rental housing unit contains a flush toilet in more than one room, it shall also contain a fixed lavatory basin in each room with a flush toilet or as near to each room as is practicable. Lavatory basin surfaces shall be smooth, easily cleanable, impervious and free from cracks or breaks that leak or are likely to cause injury to a person. Sinks used for kitchen purposes and bathtubs are not acceptable substitutes for lavatory basins.
(d) Bathtub or shower. Every rental housing unit shall contain a room that is equipped with a bathtub or shower in sound condition and properly connected to an approved hot and cold water system and a sewage system. Every bathtub shall have a smooth, impervious and easily cleanable inner surface, with a pitch sufficient to drain properly, free from makeshift repairs and free from cracks or breaks that leak or are likely to cause injury to a person. Every shower compartment or cabinet shall have a base with a leak-proof receptor that is made of impervious materials with a pitch sufficient to drain properly. The interior walls shall be made of a smooth, impervious, easily cleanable material free from cracks or breaks that leak or are likely to cause injury to a person. Built-in bathtubs with overhead showers shall have waterproof joints between the tub and the adjacent walls and the walls shall be made of impervious material free from cracks or breaks that leak or are likely to cause injury to a person.
(e) Hot water service. Every rental housing unit shall have hot water service properly installed and maintained in sound condition capable of furnishing reasonable amounts of hot water with a minimum temperature of one hundred ten degrees (110º). Water heating units shall be equipped with a temperature and pressure relief valve and a discharge line in accordance with the Tempe plumbing code.
(f) Water-seal traps. Bathroom plumbing fixtures, except those having integral traps, shall be separately trapped by a water-seal trap that will eliminate the passage of sewage gases into the room. The water-seal trap shall be located as near the outlet as possible.
(g) Flow of water. Bathroom plumbing fixtures shall have a reasonable flow of water and the minimum flow of hot or cold water issuing from a faucet or fixture shall be not less than one gallon per minute.
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A common example:
A common violation for this code is when a rental home does not have working flush toilet. The violation in this scenario is that all rentals are required to have a flush toilet in sound condition.