City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuSpace and Occupancy
Sec. 21-36. Space and occupancy.
(a) General provision. Every rental housing unit should have sufficient access and space to allow for adequate living and sleeping conditions while providing for the occupant's health, safety, privacy and general welfare.
(b) Floor area; rental housing unit. Every rental housing unit shall have at least two hundred twenty (220) square feet of total room area and shall contain at least one common room having not less than one hundred twenty (120) square feet.
(c) Floor area; habitable room. Every habitable room, except a kitchen, shall have not less than seventy (70) square feet of habitable room area and shall not be less than seven (7) feet in any dimension.
(d) Occupancy load; sleeping room. Every rental housing unit shall contain at least one bedroom or living/sleeping room of appropriate size for each two (2) persons. Every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one person shall contain at least seventy (70) square feet of habitable room area and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by two (2) people shall contain at least fifty (50) square feet of habitable room area for each person.
(e) Occupancy load; rental housing unit. Every rental housing unit shall provide at least two hundred twenty (220) square feet of floor area for the first two (2) occupants and one hundred (100) square feet of floor area for each additional occupant. The floor area is to be calculated on the basis of total dwelling unit area.
(f) Bedroom access. In any rental housing unit that has more than one bedroom, access to any bedroom shall not be through another bedroom or a bathroom.
(g) Bathroom access. In any rental housing unit, the occupants of each bedroom must have access to a bathroom without going through another bedroom.
(h) Interior access. In any rental housing unit, access to bedrooms and bathrooms shall be from within the unit.
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A common example:
A common violation for this code is when a rental property has too many people living within the residence at one time. The violation in this scenario is that all rentals must abide by the occupants per square footage rules.