City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuLEAP After-School Program
Welcome to the LEAP After-School Program
LEAP is an in-person City of Tempe recreational after-school program for students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ages 10 -22 years old who attend and receive special education services in the Tempe area school districts. The focus of the program is on socialization, life skill development and enrichment through various recreational programs and activities, including: arts & crafts, physical activities, technology and many other activities!
LEAP Program
Mondays - Fridays from 2:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
2024-2025 School Year
Semester One July 25- Dec. 20, 2024
Semester Two Jan. 7 - May 28, 2025
Please note LEAP follows the Tempe Union High School District Student Calendar to honor early releases and days off.
Prospective students should be able to successfully participate in a 1:4 staff-to-student ratio.
LEAP is located at the Westside Multigenerational Center, 715 W. 5th Street, Tempe.
LEAP accepts DDD funding.
Wanting to attend this program?
Please fill out this participant application and send to Samantha Mason. Once received we will reach out and help support you and your loved one through the next steps to see if this program is the best fit for your loved one.
Application HERE.
1. Fill out the application completely.
- Application [no blanks]
-Current Photo of your loved one
-PCSP [if using DDD services] OR IEP [if private pay]
Please note applications will not be accepted if all information is not completed.
Once a fully completed application is submitted Samantha Mason will reach out to you for an in-person interview.
LEAP is a City of Tempe Adaptive Recreation program. For more information or to register please contact Samantha Mason at 480.858.2469 or