City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuLandscape Conversion Rebate
For single family residential properties, the City of Tempe provides a rebate of .25 cents per square foot of grass replaced with a low-water-use Xeriscape, up to $2,000 per home.
For Commercial properties, the City of Tempe provides a rebate of 50% of the landscape conversion cost (excluding tax), up to $20,000 when converting live turf to desert landscaping. Removal of non-functional turf is encouraged.
Terms and conditions apply to each project, and pre-approval is required before proceeding. Neighborhood associations, apartments and HOAs may apply for Neighborhood Grants for turf replacement projects instead of receiving a landscape rebate.
A low-water-use landscape or Xeriscape conversion can reduce the water use of your landscape by 50% or more. Desert-adapted plants have acclimated to soil and weather conditions in the desert, and they use less water and are easier to maintain.
In 2021, 79 Tempe properties converted 115,568 square feet of grass into a low-water-use landscape. This will save an estimated three and a half million gallons of water each year.
Rebate Application Checklist:
- Prior to starting your project, review the Terms and Conditions to ensure understanding of the requirements.
- Consider if your project qualifies for another rebate. Residential projects that include a smart controller update or irrigation system upgrade may qualify for the High-Efficiency Irrigation Rebate. A separate application is required for each rebate.
- Prior to beginning the conversion project, request pre-approval by submitting a turf removal rebate application form.
- Within ten business days, Conservation staff will review the application and, if complete, will send a pre-approval email with instructions to begin your project.
- Completed projects that did not obtain pre-approval prior to beginning a conversion project will not be approved.
- Once the conversion project is complete, please follow the instructions in the pre-approval email to complete your project application.
Pro Tips
All applicants must first request pre-approval by completing the turf removal rebate application. Completed projects that did not obtain pre-approval prior to beginning a conversion project will not be approved.
Attend a free Tempe Landscape Workshop to learn best practices for converting and designing desert lush landscapes.
Visit the Tempe Xeriscape Demonstration Garden for plant selection inspiration. This is an optional but highly recommended step.
Want to make sure your new landscape achieves all of your goals for a beautiful and functional landscape? Follow the Seven Principles of Xeriscape.
Questions about water conservation? Call 480-350-8351 or e-mail