Energy Efficiency
In collaboration with the Salt River Project and Arizona Public Service, the City of Tempe is aiming to shift from fossil fuels to clean energy. Tempe can support the clean energy economy through supporting business investment in energy upgrades, solar car charging, and clean energy with storage in the buildings that need it most. The following actions will support Tempe’s efforts to lower carbon emissions created by energy use:
Resilient Energy Hubs: Resilience hubs are fire stations, community centers, schools and churches that are outfitted with solar panels and battery storage. In the event of an emergency that compromises the electrical grid, resilience hubs will ensure that first responders and evacuees have access to electricity.
Revolving fund: An energy upgrades revolving fund begins with an initial pot of money which is used to give out loans for energy efficiency upgrades. The could initially be made available to early adopters, including mom & pop stores and schools interested in saving money by reducing their energy use.
Sustainability platform: The City of Tempe, the Tempe Chamber of Commerce (CoC), Local First (LF), Downtown Tempe Authority (DTA), the utilities (SRP & APS) and other interested parties could create a website providing information to businesses on energy efficiency programs.
Solar Electric Vehicles: A major barrier to putting more solar energy on the grid is that most electricity from solar is generated during the day but most electricity is consumed in the late afternoon and evening. Tempe businesses can pilot electric vehicle (EV) charging in the form of a public-private partnership (PPP) between the city, businesses and the utilities.
The transportation sector contributes to about half of all of Tempe’s community greenhouse gas emissions. The city made major investments in transit and bicycle infrastructure. There is a need for additional programs and policies that support the streetcar, light rail, regional bus service, and our Orbit bus system. The following actions can support Tempe in lower our carbon emissions and making sure residents have transportation options:
Transportation Demand Management Program: The city, in partnership with regional/local agencies and area employers, will create a Transportation Management Association (TMA) that will oversee the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. This program will allow Tempe employees to work together to utilize alternative transportation methods to reduce congestion and carbon emissions.
Prioritize alternative transportation in projects: The city will increase the number of trips taken by walking, biking or riding transit will improve the per person carrying capacity of our transportation system and reduce our carbon footprint.
Electric vehicle charging: The city will increase the use of electric vehicles and will triple the number of public charging stations by 2022. It will also make amends to building codes to make new buildings “charging station-ready.”
Tempe and ASU researchers will develop a new mobility readiness guide. The readiness guide will provide a comprehensive review of Tempe policies and codes that may help or hinder the adoption of AVs in a way that improves mobility, safety and reduces the carbon footprint of the transportation system.
Resilience Actions
Climate change has caused Tempe to see some of the hottest days ever recorded. Public health, economic and environmental systems are at risk due to extreme heat measure in the city. Tempe needs to prepare, adapt and accommodate for the increase in extreme temperatures. Here are some of the action Tempe will work on to address extreme heat:
Green infrastructure: Tempe can save water and keep our city cool by building landscapes that uses storm water as the primary way to water vegetation. City Council can adopt design standards and policies to ensure that all city infrastructure projects, and private developments use storm water.
IGCC: Tempe is considering adopting the International Green Construction Code to encourage sustainable construction methods and materials, there is an opportunity to use the adoption of this new code to work with local architects and developers to collaborate on additional ways to increase shade and support the use of cool materials.
Urban Forestry Master Plan: The city will soon have an urban forester to support increasing the city’s tree canopy. The city can continue to increase these programs by increasing staff, funding for trees, and by finding resources to improve irrigation through efficient irrigation technology, green infrastructure improvements, and greywater systems.
Emergency Management Program: A resilience plan for extreme heat could ensure that first responders and residents prepare for extreme heat days and that the city is building infrastructure that keeps residents cool