State Legislative Principles

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City of Tempe 2025 State Legislative Principles  

Community members created the City of Tempe government through the adoption of the City Charter. Through this Charter, residents empower the city government to provide services and generate revenue to pay for those services. It also establishes that the Mayor and Council determine policies for the City. It is this system that allows for local decision-making on issues that are local in nature and directly impact local community members and businesses.

The Tempe City Council has identified safe and secure communities, strong community connections, quality of life, sustainable growth and development, and financial stability and vitality as priorities in the delivery of City services.

State legislation impacts the City’s ability to deliver on its strategic priority commitments, including the provision of many local services such as police, fire, transit, roadways, libraries, and parks.

During the 2025 State Legislative Session, the City Council endorses the following principles (PDF version) when considering the City’s position on state legislative proposals:


  • Preserve local decision-making – The City advocates that the most effective, responsible and responsive government is the government closest to the people. The City supports legislative proposals that preserve or enhance the City’s ability to govern locally and opposes legislative proposals that reduce or restrict the City’s local authority.

  • Preserve existing revenue sources – The City supports legislative proposals that preserve or enhance existing revenue sources and opposes proposals that would reduce or restrict the use of existing revenues.

  • Maintain flexibility in service delivery – The City supports legislative proposals that enable the City to provide services desired by local residents and opposes legislative attempts to require additional services without providing revenue to fund any additional costs associated with the services.

  • Preserve local investments – The City supports proposals that protect the City’s investment in infrastructure, capital, and enterprises.


  • Economic development – Support legislation that enhances City-supported economic development conditions and grants municipalities flexibility to implement targeted development programs, such as Tax Increment Financing to develop areas for new business growth and affordable housing expansion.

  • Development fees – Oppose legislation that would limit or preempt the authority of cities to implement and collect reasonable development fees.

  • Land use planning – Preserve local decision-making to set land-use and development policies, allowing the City to continue providing opportunities for resident-driven planning while monitoring any legislation that may impact local planning authority.

  • Residential Character of Neighborhoods – Support policies to return local decision-making options regarding short-term rentals and monitor proposals that address business uses in residential areas.

  • Regulatory Reform – Oppose proposals that limit the City’s flexibility to adjust and improve programs and processes that support the existing framework for regulatory reform.

  • Planning and engineering safety – Express concerns regarding proposals that lessen professional engineering requirements that may adversely impact public health and safety.

  • Local Water Decisions – Support proposals that strengthen the City’s water management strategies and oppose those that lessen the ability of the City to proactively manage its water resources.

  • Statewide Water Management – Support proposals that improve the state’s overall management of Colorado River water and groundwater with processes that engage municipal stakeholders and benefit municipal water users.

  • Infrastructure – Support legislation that would heighten the City’s ability to provide infrastructure to attract economic development, support energy security, increase water supplies, and advance goals for climate action and resilience.


  • Potential Proposition 479 Implementation – Work with municipal and regional partners to develop and execute critical transportation and transit projects under the new regional sales tax, should voters support it in November 2024.

  • Promoting Reliant Operations for Transformative, Efficient and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) – Support the Arizona Department of Transportation in developing regional resiliency planning around green stormwater infrastructure with discretionary funding.

  • Transportation Funding – Support legislation that strengthens the funding to the City and oppose policies that deplete City resources for road maintenance and infrastructure, including policies that affect the Highway User Revenue Fund.

  • Regional Transportation Projects and Planning – Support efforts to further develop and maintain the regional freeway system and City-endorsed transit projects.


  • Weapons – Oppose legislation that limits local decision-making in regulating weapons in public areas.

  • Ambulance Services – Support policies that ensure reliable, high quality and cost-effective life-saving ambulance transport for Tempe residents.

  • 9-1-1 Services – Oppose proposals that deplete funding and resources for reliable Public Safety Answering Point equipment, updates and maintenance needs.

  • Statutory Clarification – Support statutory language that clarifies legislative intent regarding pension eligibility and definitions of supervision and pensionable work.

  • Municipal Courts – Oppose legislation that negatively affects municipal court operations and/or judicial independence.

  • License Reinstatements – Support clarity on the existing statutory implementation related to the reinstatement of driving privileges for failure to appear or pay for civil traffic violations.

  • Public Safety Training – Evaluate proposals regarding training for public safety personnel in areas of human relations, intercultural communication, equal opportunity, and diversity, including disability awareness.

  • Wellness Initiatives – Examine support for wellness proposals that offer proper coverage for public safety personnel, including initiatives addressing mental health and consider how proposals interact with existing local efforts.


  • Revenues – Maintain state shared revenues and recover delinquent state shared revenues, such as the ability of municipalities to collect rental taxes. These funds support general operations such as public safety, parks, roadways, and library services.

  • Mandates – Limit state unfunded mandates by supporting legislation that requires the legislature to conduct fiscal analysis and give consideration prior to imposing state mandates on local governments.

  • Taxes – Use great caution when evaluating policies that restructure sales, property and income taxes and be especially vigilant of unnecessary restrictions and shifting tax burdens that result from proposed changes.

  • Transaction Privilege Tax – Monitor proposals that modify state and local tax revenue generated from sales, including online sales.


  • Affordable and Workforce Housing – Support for City-endorsed policies and resources that advance affordable housing and workforce supplies, including repealing the state’s ban on the City’s ability to create inclusionary zoning policies.

  • Climate Action – Support a regional approach to growing sustainable transportation, expanding the clean energy economy, and creating a cool and connected Maricopa County.

  • Energy – Support policies and programs that increase customer choice with renewable energy and lowering energy burdens on households.

  • Housing Trust Fund – Support additional funding into the Arizona Housing Trust Fund.

  • Support Inclusivity – Evaluate legislative proposals for the promotion of equitable treatment, focusing on the prevention of disparate impact and disparate treatment of local residents regardless of race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, familial status, age, disability, or United States military veteran status.

  • Sober Living Homes – Support reforms to statutes governing sober living homes that improve the licensure process and oversight, while ensuring those seeking services receive the care they need.

  • Human Services Resources – Support for resources and streamlined distribution methods to support human services needs, including drug misuse prevention and treatment efforts.

  • Mental Health Services – Support additional resources for mental health and wellness initiatives, including facilities and programs, as well as focused support for families at 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI) or lower.

  • Victim Advocacy – Support additional resources for victim advocacy and victim advocacy programs, such as Family Advocacy Centers, including appropriate resourcing of medical services.

  • Post-Arrest Support Services – Support additional resources for justice involved individuals and their families, post-arrest, toward education and treatment to reduce recidivism.

  • Education and Childcare – Evaluate proposals for increased availability of state childcare subsidies for low-income families and access to full-day kindergarten.

  • Recycling – Monitor proposals and support efforts to strengthen the recycling market and recycling infrastructure.

  • Air Quality – Support state air quality measures required to meet federal air quality standards that are cost-effective and viable.


  • Elections – Support legislation that maintains local decision-making for elections administration.

  • Library Financing – Monitor any changes to the library financing plans and its effect on the City’s ability to provide library resources.

  • Supporting Partnerships – Monitor and consider support for policies that favorably affect and adequately fund the City’s municipal, educational, and economic development partners.


Reviewed by the Tempe City Council October 2024