Parking Lot Landscape

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ZDC 4-704. Parking Facility Landscape Standards.

A. Parking Lot Landscape. Parking lots shall have landscape treatments that provide shade and allow for natural surveillance. Two (2) options are provided for conformance:

1. Option 1: Standard Dimensions. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the surface area of all surface parking lots, as measured around the perimeter of all parking spaces and maneuvering areas, shall be landscaped. When a use permit is granted to exceed the parking maximum, per Section 4-603, a minimum of twelve percent (12%) of the surface area of all surface parking lots, as measured around the perimeter of all parking spaces and maneuvering areas, shall be landscaped. Such landscape treatments shall consist of an evenly distributed mix of shade trees with shrubs and/or ground cover plants. “Evenly distributed” means that the trees and other plants are distributed around the parking lot perimeter and between parking bays to provide a partial canopy. At a minimum, one (1) tree per twelve (12) parking spaces shall be planted to create a partial tree canopy over and around the parking area. Parking areas shall contain landscape islands with trees at the ends of rows of parking, and to subdivide the parking area into rows of not more than fifteen (15) contiguous parking spaces. Landscape island spacing is flexible within the above standards.

2. Option 2: Performance Standard Based on Tree Canopy. The landscape plan provides for an overall tree or shade canopy above surface parking areas that is not less than twenty percent (20%) of the parking area, based on the expected size of trees within five (5) years of planting. When a use permit is granted to exceed the parking maximum, per Section 4-603, the landscape plan provides for an overall tree or shade canopy above surface parking areas that is not less than twenty-two percent (22%) of the parking area, based on the expected size of trees within five (5) years of planting. Such determination shall be based on landscape or tree planting guides for the region (e.g., Sunset Western Garden Book). Shade structures may be used, subject to a development plan review approval. This standard shall be met at 3:00 p.m. on the date of summer solstice. A development plan shadow study is required to verify this option.

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A common example:

A common violation for this code is a parking lot does not have enough trees planted in the islands. The violation in this scenario is not following the minimum, one (1) tree per twelve (12) parking spaces being planted the installation of illegal lighting.