The City of Tempe’s Public Works Department is responsible for providing effective water, wastewater, stormwater and solid waste services to the community.  All costs associated with delivering these services are met through direct customer fees which fund the Water and Wastewater Enterprise Fund and the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. 

The city establishes its customer rates using a biennial rate study that assesses the full costs for delivering services as well as the revenue required to maintain the utility’s financial stability. Rate adjustments are then recommended to address inflationary and other short-term budgetary factors, support long-term viability, provide resources for infrastructure maintenance and replacement, and align costs with the values and priorities of the City Council and community.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do water and wastewater rates, fees and charges currently fund?
How do Tempe’s utility rates compare to neighboring municipalities?
How does Tempe’s utility funding work?
What is a rate study? What is a financial model update? How often are they conducted?
What Tempe City Council Performance Measures are considered in a rate study?
Does the city make a profit on water and solid waste utility services because they are an enterprise fund?
When and how are water, wastewater and solid waste rates adopted?
Are there assistance programs for residents who are experiencing challenges paying for water, wastewater solid waste and stormwater services?
Who can I call if I have a question about my utility bill or am having difficulty paying my bill?