City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuStormwater
The City of Tempe is committed to maintaining compliance with its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A plan has been designed identifying steps city staff, from several departments, will take to meet this commitment. The Stormwater Management Plan includes ways staff will investigate non-stormwater flows, conduct public education, involvement and participation and a variety of best management practices (BMPs) to control sources of pollutants minimizing the potential for stormwater runoff to impair waterways.
Improvement to stormwater quality can be made through implementing BMPs, along with raising public awareness on proper use and disposal of products such as motor oil, antifreeze and pesticides. To report a concern, call (480) 350-4311 or submit a service request for illegal discharge into a storm drain. If you would like to provide input on the Stormwater Management plan you may email comments to
Si a usted le gustaría a la información en español, por favor comuniquese con la ciudad de Tempe a 480.350.4311.