Calendar of Meetings

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Some City Boards, Commissions, or Committees are meeting in-person, with a virtual meeting option remaining available via Cisco Webex or Microsoft Teams.  Please visit the Calendar below for information about upcoming meetings, including dates, times, locations, and agendas.

The posting of the Agendas and Minutes for the Development Review Commission Study Sessions and Regular Meetings, beginning with the meetings on August 27, 2024, has transitioned to the City of Tempe Agenda Online website.


Public Meeting Notices

In accordance with State law, public meeting notices for all meetings of the Tempe City Council and all City of Tempe boards and commissions will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 

The City of Tempe’s official posting board is located at the Council Chambers level of the Harry E. Mitchell Government Complex, 31 E. Fifth Street, Tempe. Public Meeting Notices are posted on electronic display panels located near the main entry of the Council Chambers, and note the availability of individual meeting agendas online. The electronic posting board is accessible to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Public meeting notices are also posted on the City’s website. Results of any legal actions taken at the City Council meetings will be posted on the City’s website within 3 working days of the meeting. 
Agendas and Minutes published prior to April 30, 2012

PRGDBC Advisory Board - Golf Subcommittee

Parks, Recreation, Golf and Double Butte Cemetery Advisory Board - Golf Subcommittee

Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 4:30 p.m.
Tempe Public Library – 2nd Floor Cottonwood Board Room
3500 South Rural Road, Tempe, Arizona
Virtual meeting option also available via Microsoft Teams


Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 227 657 441 284
Passcode: VwQKRJ 
Or call in (audio only): 1 -480-498-8745
Phone Conference ID: 814 753 099# 


Members of the subcommittee/public may attend the meeting virtually through Microsoft Teams. 

If attending virtually public comment requests for any item on the agenda must be emailed to three (3) hours prior to start of the meeting.

 According to the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the PRGDBC Advisory Board - Golf Subcommittee may only discuss matters listed on the agenda.  The city of Tempe endeavors to make all public meetings accessible to persons with disabilities.  With 72 hours advance notice, special assistance is available at public meetings for sight and/or hearing-impaired persons. Please call 350-4311 (voice) or for Relay Users: 711 to request an accommodation to participate in a public meeting. For additional information on Tempe Boards, Commission and Committees, please visit:

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