City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuTempe Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Board and Commission applications are always accepted and are kept on file for one year from the date of receipt.
To view meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and current membership information, select the Board, Commission, or Committee name in the Subpage Menu, or in the list below:
Arts and Culture Commission* (members live, work, or attend school, in Tempe. A minimum of 51% of the members must reside in Tempe)
Commission on Disability Concerns*
Desert Conservation Commission
Development Review Commission*
Fire Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board
Historic Preservation Commission*
Industrial Development Authority*
Mayor's Youth Advisory Commission*
Neighborhood Advisory Commission*
Parks, Recreation, Golf, and Double Butte Cemetery Advisory Board*
Police Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Board
Rio Salado Enhanced Services Commission*
Sustainability and Resilience Commission
Technical Code Advisory Board of Appeals
Transportation Commission* (includes one member who is affiliated with Arizona State University but does not reside in Tempe, and one member who works in Tempe buts does not reside in Tempe)
(*) Asterisk indicates: Tempe residency required