Survey Number: HPS-125
Year Built: 1928
Architectural Style: Georgian, with Bungalow elements
The Hiatt-Barnes House is associated with the context of Community Planning and Development. It falls under the theme of housing - custom homes. The Hiatt-Barnes house was built in 1928 on lot 16 in the Park Tract. The Park Tract subdivision opened in 1924 to ease the housing shortage experienced in Tempe between 1915 and 1930. The majority of the construction in the tract occurred between 1928 and 1930, after the tract was linked to the city’s sewage system.
The Hiatt-Barnes House was first owned by Fred W. Hiatt, an industrial arts teacher at Arizona State Teachers College (now Arizona State University). Hiatt occupied the house until 1934. In 1937, Ola and Olus Barnes moved into the house. The only other developed property in the immediate area was the house on the corner of 10th and Ash. The land between the houses was a grazing lot for cattle until 1939. Ola and Olus Barnes lived in the house until their deaths in 1986 and 1988, respectively. Their son, William (Bill) Barnes, acquired the house upon their passing. Olus was known as the official volunteer weatherman for Tempe for 54 years. In 1957, the weather station moved from Van Ness Street and University Drive to the Barnes’ backyard where it remained until late 1984. Olus Barnes received the National Weather Service’s Thomas Jefferson Award in honor of his years of service. Dan O’Neill and Jenny Lucier acquired the house after Bill’s passing in 1996.
The Hiatt-Barnes house is a two-story, wood frame structure in Georgian Styling with bungalow characteristics. The symmetry of the house suggests the Georgian style that is expressed in the central entry, the regular placement of the windows, and the height of the house. The bungalow overtones include the long open porch, tapering porch pillars and gable end of the house. The house is sheathed in horizontal clapboard siding and has a medium-pitched roof. A hipped roof porch extends nearly the length of the front façade. The front porch roof is supported by four slightly tapering, square, wood pillars separated by a low balustrade of slender wooden posts. Some time prior to 1937, a wrap-around porch was added to the southwest corner of the house. Originally, it was a screened sleeping porch with openings that were later glazed and interior rooms created.
The Hiatt-Barnes house was in a state of severe disrepair when the new owners acquired the house in 1996. They undertook a major rehabilitation of the interior and exterior of the house including the restoration of the wrap-around porch to its original open condition. Repairs were made in consultation with a local architect and the Tempe Historic Preservation Office. Repairs were made consistent with the home’s period of significance and comply with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.
The Hiatt-Barnes House is important for its architectural styling and its ties to prominent members of the community. The Georgian styling with bungalow characteristics represent the style and quality of houses built in Tempe in the 1920’s. The house was constructed during the peak of construction activity in the Park Tract. The increased building activity in the tract also reflected Tempe’s economic well being (the city had just completed a decade of civic improvements in the late 1920’s). The house was built by Fred W. Hiatt, an industrial arts teacher at Arizona State Teachers College (now ASU), who lived there until 1934. Olus L. Barnes acquired the house in 1937. Barnes was an entomologist for the Arizona Department of Agriculture, until he retired in 1966. During his tenure at the department, he also worked as a weather data recorder.
The Hiatt-Barnes House is located south of University Drive and west of Mill Avenue in the historic Park Tract Subdivision of the Maple/Ash neighborhood. An identifying characteristic of the neighborhood is the abundance of turf landscaping with fully-grown trees (maintained by flood irrigation system). The rear yard of the house abuts the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the west. Single-family residences surround the property to the east and to the south with a small multi-family complex to the north. In general, the immediate surroundings retain the single-family residential character typical during the structure’s period of significance.
This property was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on 7 May 1984.
Tempe 1997 Multiple Resource Area Update
Tempe Historic Property Survey HPS-125 Hiatt/Barnes House
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