• Ebony House Inc

    Ebony House logo
    1. Address:6222 S 13th Street
      Phoenix, AZ 85042
    2. Phone:(602) 276-4288
    1. Accepts AHCCCS
    2. Accepts uninsured
    3. Adults
    4. Assessment and Screening
    5. Bilingual Services
    6. Cash pay
    7. Counseling
    8. Family Support
    9. Inpatient
    10. Outpatient
    11. Parents
    12. Private Insurance
    13. Recovery aftercare
    14. Recovery Facility
    15. Women Specific Programming
    16. Youth
    1. Addiction Resources

Ebony House, Inc. is an Arizona based non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization that for the last 40 years has dedicated to helping restore adults, children and families from all race and ethnic backgrounds triumph over substance abuse, behavioral challenges, HIV/AIDS, child abuse and preservation of the family. Through innovative programs and comprehensive services, it is our mission to provide an individualized service to each of our consumers and assist them with gaining a sense of dignity and self-respect; with positive goals in place to improve our community.

Ebony House, Inc. is a non-profit agency that provides;

  • Youth & Young Adult Behavioral Health Outpatient Services
  • Ebony House Male Residential Substance Abuse & Outpatient Treatment
  • Elba House Women's Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
  • Outreach/HIV Education and Early Prevention Services

Mission Statement: Ebony House is committed to that which is right, appropriate, and necessary to foster healing, growth, and development in all of our communities.

Learn more here.

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