Career Ready Tempe Student Application

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Career Ready Tempe 

Career Ready Tempe aims to help prepare and develop Tempe youth to participate in the future workforce by connecting youth to college and career readiness support and partnering with Tempe employers to provide youth with paid internship opportunities in fields that are in-demand. Internships will be held during the summer months of June and July 2025. Students will complete a total of 120 internship hours over 6 weeks. The program focuses on providing internships in the Advance Business Services, Advanced Manufacturing, and Bioscience sectors.

The program serves Tempe youth who are in their incoming junior or senior year of high school. Priority admittance will be given to students who are income-eligible (household income= 200% FPL or below). Students must complete an application and interview process to be selected for participation. 

Benefits of participating in the Career Ready Tempe Program:

  • A 20-hour weekly schedule compensated at a rate of $15 per hour (120 total hours over 6 weeks during the summer months of June and July)
  • Opportunities to build skills that will prepare you for success in your academic and career endeavors, through training and internships
  • Valuable experience to add to your resume
  • Opportunities to learn about a field of interest
  • Knowledge of a field that is in-demand, resulting in the potential for various job opportunities in the future
  • Support from a College Connect Tempe Advisor who will assist you in preparing for your internship and the college enrollment process
  • Time to network with professionals and leaders within the Tempe business community 
  • ½ Career Exploration Elective Credit (available to Tempe Union High School District students)

Student Eligibility Requirements

Students must:

  1. be a resident of the City of Tempe


    be a student in the City of Tempe


    attend a Tempe Union High School District school

  2. be a junior or senior in Fall 2025 (Students may apply during their sophomore or junior year).
  3. be legally authorized to work in the United States.
  4. be at least 16 years of age prior to starting the program.
  5. be willing to participate in an interview process.
  6. complete an application including the application essay, resume, and letter of recommendation from a school teacher, school counselor, or other school staff by the application deadline of April 1, 2025.
  7. be in good academic standing with their high school prior to applying and while enrolled in the Career Ready Tempe program. For the purposes of this program, good standing=2.0 unweighted GPA or higher
  8. be willing to travel to the internship placement. Bus passes will be provided if needed.
  9. be willing to earn at least 6 credentials in Edge, a soft skills training program.
  10. be willing to attend up to 2 training sessions, some of which may take place on weekends or evenings.
  11. be willing to participate in a 1-day project or event to be determined by Career Ready Tempe staff following internship completion.
  12. agree to meet with their assigned College Connect Tempe Advisor up to 2 times outside of their scheduled internship shifts.
  13. agree to follow all Career Ready Tempe program and internship placement policies, protocols and precautions as mandated by local, county, state and federal health officials related to COVID-19 safety.
  14. have parent/guardian permission to participate in all Career Ready Tempe program activities.

Preference given to those who have:

  1. a household income at or below 200 % of the Federal Poverty Level.
  2. not participated in the Career Ready Tempe program as a student-intern in the past.

Required Documents (to be provided at a scheduled eligibility meeting):

  1. Proof of Income (include documents for all adults in the household).
    Acceptable documents- Income Tax form 1040 or all W2s for the year 2024, SNAP benefits award letter (all pages), paycheck stubs for a month and proof of other income (cash assistance, child support, unemployment benefits, or SSI), free or reduced lunch verification, proof of foster placement (automatically qualifies child without proof of income from foster family).
  2.  Proof of Residence Acceptable documents- Bank statement, utility bill (water, electric, gas or phone), rental agreement or mortgage statement
    Proof of School Attended- student ID or copy of current class schedule
  3. Proof of Legal Authorization to work in the United States (see Acceptable documents)

Acceptable documents:

Acceptable docs

For more information, contact:

Delaina LeForce
Career Ready Tempe Coordinator
(480) 594-7441

Evaluation of Student-Intern Applications

Student-Intern applications will be evaluated based on eligibility, strength of resume, essay submission, letters of recommendation, background/skill set, and demonstrated initiative (the student’s overall ability to challenge themselves in and outside of the classroom).



Student Information
Student First Name:
Student Last Name:
Student M.I.:
Date of birth:
Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
Home address:
Home address:
Cell Phone Number:
Home Phone Number:
Email Address:
High School (select all that apply):
High School (select all that apply):
Fall 2024 Grade Classification:
Fall 2024 Grade Classification:
Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA):
Unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA):

Are you able to commit to working 120 working hours during the six week summer internship? (please consider your commitments in the summer: school, work, sports, volunteering, vacations)

Are you able to commit to working 120 working hours during the six week summer internship? (please consider your commitments in the summer: school, work, sports, volunteering, vacations)

Are you willing to complete at least 6 credentials in the online Edge soft skills training program?

Are you willing to complete at least 6 credentials in the online Edge soft skills training program?

Are you willing to participate in a 1-day culminating project or event to be determined by Career Ready Tempe staff following internship completion?

Are you willing to participate in a 1-day culminating project or event to be determined by Career Ready Tempe staff following internship completion?

Do you agree to meet with a College Connect Advisor up to 2 times outside of your scheduled internship hours? (This can be in-person or virtually)

Do you agree to meet with a College Connect Advisor up to 2 times outside of your scheduled internship hours? (This can be in-person or virtually)
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?
Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?
Have you received your COVID-19 vaccination? (You may be asked for proof of vaccination by your internship placement site). 
Have you received your COVID-19 vaccination? (You may be asked for proof of vaccination by your internship placement site).
Household size: Provide the number of people living in the home where the student lives (including the student)

Household Annual Gross Income: (Provide the total wages, child support, foster care, SSI, TANF, etc. for the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s))


How will you get to and from your internship placement? (Placements will be located in the City of Tempe boundaries).


Considering you will be working approximately 20 hours per week, do you have a preferred schedule you would like to work (list days/times)?


Please rank your internship areas of interest from 1-3 (1=most desired, 3=least desired):

(Career Ready Tempe Staff will try to match you with an internship that correlates with your preferred areas of interest, to the extent possible. However, this is not guaranteed.)

Please rank your internship areas of interest from 1-3 (1=most desired, 3=least desired): (Career Ready Tempe Staff will try to match you with an internship that correlates with your preferred areas of interest, to the extent possible. However, this is not guaranteed.)
1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice
Advanced Business Services
Advanced Manufacturing
Bio Science

Essay Prompt: In 300-500 words, please answer the following: Discuss what you believe it means to be “career ready”. Why would you like to participate in the Career Ready Tempe program? What are your career and educational goals?


What soft skills do you currently have?

What soft skills do you currently have?

Please briefly describe how these skills will help to contribute to your potential internship site or your top three skills that you hope to gain.

List any special qualifications you have: 

List any certifications you have:

Attach Resume:

Letter of Recommendation:  

The school staff member providing your recommendation will fill out this form. Please provide them with a copy of the link so that they can fill it out. They should complete this form by the application deadline of April 1, 2025 (applications will not be considered complete until all supporting materials have been received). Recommendations can be provided by a teacher at school, a school counselor, or other school staff recommending you to the program.


Legal Guardian Information
Legal Guardian First Name:
Legal Guardian Last Name:
Legal Guardian M.I.:
Home address:
Home address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:

Emergency Contact Information
Emergency Contact # 1 First Name:
Emergency Contact # 1 Last Name:
Phone number:
Email Address:
Emergency Contact #2 First Name:
Emergency Contact #2 Last Name:
Phone number:
Email Address:

Demographic Information

The following demographic information will be used for statistical purposes only.

Select one or more races you identify as:
Select one or more races you identify as:
Marital Status:
Marital Status:
Are you Active Duty Military or child of an Active Duty Military?
Are you Active Duty Military or child of an Active Duty Military?
What is your primary language?
What is your primary language?
What is your secondary language, if applicable?
Have any of your parents earned a 4-year College Degree? 
Have any of your parents earned a 4-year College Degree?

How did you hear about Career Ready Tempe?

How did you hear about Career Ready Tempe?

Agreements & Signatures

I affirm that all information submitted on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and understand that if any information is found to have been falsified, I can be disqualified or removed from the Career Ready Tempe Program at any point. I understand that if admitted to the Career Ready Tempe program I will be matched with an internship opportunity with a business located in the City of Tempe. I understand that I will be permitted to work a maximum of 120 hours during the summer (June-July 2025) and will be compensated at a rate of $15/hour by the Tempe Chamber Foundation. I also understand that compensation is provided for internship hours, thus my participation in additional Career Ready Tempe activities (orientation, soft skills training, program field trips, mentor meetings, etc.) will not be compensated. I am also aware that I can provide information about reasonable accommodations I may require when participating in Career Ready Tempe and/or internship-related activities.  If necessary, I will inform the Career Ready Tempe coordinator of my accommodation needs.

I affirm that all information submitted on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and understand that if any information is found to have been falsified, I can be disqualified or removed from the Career Ready Tempe Program at any point. I understand that if admitted to the Career Ready Tempe program I will be matched with an internship opportunity with a business located in the City of Tempe. I understand that I will be permitted to work a maximum of 120 hours during the summer (June-July 2025) and will be compensated at a rate of $15/hour by the Tempe Chamber Foundation. I also understand that compensation is provided for internship hours, thus my participation in additional Career Ready Tempe activities (orientation, soft skills training, program field trips, mentor meetings, etc.) will not be compensated. I am also aware that I can provide information about reasonable accommodations I may require when participating in Career Ready Tempe and/or internship-related activities. If necessary, I will inform the Career Ready Tempe coordinator of my accommodation needs.

I affirm that all information submitted on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and understand that if any information is found to have been falsified my child can be disqualified or removed from the Career Ready Tempe Program at any point. I give permission for my child’s participation in the Career Ready Tempe program including the paid summer internship opportunity. I understand that my child will be permitted to work a maximum of 120 hours during the  summer (June-July 2025) and will be compensated at a rate of $15/hour by the Tempe Chamber Foundation. I also understand that my child will be compensated for internship hours, thus their participation in additional Career Ready Tempe activities (orientation, soft skills training, program field trips, mentor meetings, etc.) will not be compensated. I am also aware that I can provide information about reasonable accommodations my child may require when participating in Career Ready Tempe and/or internship-related activities.  If necessary, I will inform the Career Ready Tempe Coordinator of my child’s accommodation needs.

I affirm that all information submitted on this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and understand that if any information is found to have been falsified my child can be disqualified or removed from the Career Ready Tempe Program at any point. I give permission for my child’s participation in the Career Ready Tempe program including the paid summer internship opportunity. I understand that my child will be permitted to work a maximum of 120 hours during the summer (June-July 2025) and will be compensated at a rate of $15/hour by the Tempe Chamber Foundation. I also understand that my child will be compensated for internship hours, thus their participation in additional Career Ready Tempe activities (orientation, soft skills training, program field trips, mentor meetings, etc.) will not be compensated. I am also aware that I can provide information about reasonable accommodations my child may require when participating in Career Ready Tempe and/or internship-related activities. If necessary, I will inform the Career Ready Tempe Coordinator of my child’s accommodation needs.
  1. To receive a copy of your submission, please fill out your email address below and submit.