Section 38-847 of the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) mandated the creation of the Tempe Fire Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) Board.
Board Scope and Duties
The purpose of the Board is to administer the Tempe Fire Public Safety Personnel Retirement System. In this regard, the Board:
decides questions of eligibility and service credits, and determines the amount, manner and time of payment of any benefits due under the system;
prescribes procedures to be followed by claimants filing applications for benefits;
determines the right of any claimant to a benefit, and affords any claimant or the fund manager (or both) a right to a rehearing on the Board’s original determination;
distributes information (including annual reports) explaining and/or reporting on the retirement system to interested members/parties; and,
appoints a medical board to ascertain employee physical fitness.
Board Composition
The Fire Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) Board is composed of five members consisting of:
the Mayor, or a designee of the Mayor (as chair),
two members elected from the Tempe Fire Medical Rescue Department, and
two citizens of Tempe.
One of the citizen members is the Chair of the Merit System Board. The two appointed citizens also serve on the Police PSPRS Board. The citizen members of the Fire PSPRS Board are appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
All members serve a four-year term. There is no term limitation for Public Safety Personnel per A.R.S. §38-847.
Board Meetings
The Fire PSPRS Board typically meets on the first Thursday of the month at 2 p.m., in the Human Resources Conference Room located at 20 E. 6th Street, 1st Floor Tempe, unless otherwise noted on the meeting agenda.
The following meeting will be held both virtually via Cisco WebEx and in person at the Human Resources Conference Room:
January 9, 2025 Fire PSPRS Local Board Meeting
The meeting agenda is posted below. Public comment on agenda items may be submitted to no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday January 8, 2025 Information on how to attend the virtual meeting is provided below.
Event Passcode: mEcusmTQ434 (63287687 when dialing from a phone or video system)
If for some reason the link above does not work, you can also attend the event by going to and entering the Event Number / Password above.
Using your Phone
When you join the meeting online, if you need to use your phone for audio, you can provide your phone number when joining the event to receive a call back. If you are joining the meeting by telephone only (not by computer), you can call 1-408-418-9388 and enter the event number/access code listed above. You will only be able to listen to the meeting.