City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuOffice of the Chief
Kenneth McCoy
Chief of Police
Welcome to the Tempe Police Department’s website. This site serves as a virtual portal to gain information, identify resources, obtain open data, and learn about the Tempe Police Department. We strive to include information that will not only serve to provide insight about who we are, but also about how we deliver police service to the community.
People come to Tempe from across the globe to live, work, play, learn, and share life with family – making life investments for years to come. Tempe PD is part of this community fabric, and we can only be truly effective when we merit the trust and support of those we serve. In accord with the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, the virtues and practice of integrity, transparency, giving voice, and accountability are among our highest priorities, always with a focus on reducing crime and the fear of crime.
Tempe’s unique diversity shapes our public safety mission. With a resident population of 195,816, rapidly-growing density, hundreds of major events, and a daily service population from 268,000 - 320,000, we face ever-evolving challenges and exciting opportunities. We continue to build on strong partnerships with neighborhoods, City Council, City departments, social service agencies, School Districts, Arizona State University, businesses, faith establishments, and the many diverse people who call Tempe home.
Please enjoy searching our website, and if you have a concern, complaint, or commendation we welcome the chance to positively address it. You can also reach my office via the contact information below.
In Service,
Kenneth McCoy
Chief of Police