The City of Tempe's Crime Free Multi-Housing Program is designed to keep tenants and staff safe, and reduce crime in apartment complexes through education and the sharing of information. The anticipated benefits are reduced police calls for service, a more stable resident base, and reduced exposure to civil liability.  The program utilizes a three-part approach, maintaining a resident friendly approach.

Phase 1:  Tempe Police host a free eight-hour training seminar for property management and facilities staff.
Phase 2:  We then conduct an onsite security assessment with the property manager, to certify that minimum security requirements are in place to enhance resident and staff safety.
Phase 3:  Property management and Tempe Police invite residents to an on-site crime prevention meeting to share info, answer questions, and finalize the certification.  With full certification, property managers are authorized to use CFMH program signage and advertising.

- The eight-hour Phase I class is available for apartment managers and employees who have never before received their Phase I certification.  The class starts at 8:00 A.M. and lasts until 4:00 P.M. and is held at the Apache Police Station, 1855 E Apache Boulevard, Tempe AZ 85281.
- We also offer a four-hour Phase 1 Re-certification/Renewal class, available to managers and employees who have previously completed the eight-hour Phase I training but whose certification is about to expire.  Phase 1 certification lasts for three years.
- Please contact for additional information on upcoming class dates and registration. Thank you!