City of Tempe, AZ
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I am looking to move into Tempe, what is the crime activity in the area?
Whether you are moving into, working or living in Tempe, you can perform a search of crime activity in any given area by using the LexisNexis Community Crime Map. Although this is a helpful resource, please keep in mind that the reported crime information does not indicate everything about a neighborhood. For example, a neighborhood may display low levels of crime because (1) nothing is occurring, or (2) no one calls the police (possibly too scared or they are also committing crimes). In addition to looking at reported crime statistics, one should also consider the following when moving into a home or a business:
Visit the area or neighborhood at different times of the day and days of the week.
Drive and WALK around the area (if you are not comfortable walking in the area, this is probably a strong indicator to avoid moving there).
Talk to other residents living in the area. They may provide information about the activity that you will not see by walking through or reported to the police.
Check the condition of the area for signs of deterioration such as maintenance of yards, fences, parking lots, behavior of the residents, graffiti, etc. Most importantly, adhere to your own subjective judgments of the area.
The following are additional tips when researching an apartment community:
Be sure to search activity in the area by clicking on link above for community crime map.
Inspect the property both day and night to observe activity level (varies per days and times of the week).
Check the property for curb appeal, does the management company care about the property? Do they maintain the lighting, trim the bushes, etc., physical appearance and upkeep provides an indicator of ownership and whether someone cares about the area.
Interview other residents that reside at the property. Ask them questions like do they feel safe? How does the management handle tenant problems?
The management company will be interviewing you as a prospective tenant, at the same time also interview the management company to ensure they meet your expectations.
Ask the management company if they participate in the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program.
What is Crime Analysis?
A set of systematic, analytical processes directed at providing timely and pertinent information relative to crime patterns and trend correlations to assist the operational and administrative personnel in planning the deployment of resources for the prevention and suppression of criminal activities, aiding the investigative process, and increasing apprehensions and the clearance of cases. Within this context, Crime Analysis supports a number of department functions including patrol deployment, special operations, and tactical units, investigations, planning and research, crime prevention, and administrative services (budgeting and program planning). --Steven Gottlieb et al., 1994, "Crime Analysis: From First Report To Final Arrest."
What are the different types of Crime Analysis?
Tactical Crime Analysis focuses on immediate criminal offenses to promote quick response. The primary goal is to provide timely information to identify specific crime patterns or series in order to assist operational personnel in the arrest of criminal offenders. Tactical information links offender and modus operandi (MO) from numerous offenses in an attempt to provide investigative leads, solve crime patterns, and close cases after apprehension and arrests.
Strategic Crime Analysis is concerned with operational strategies and seeks solutions to on-going problems. The primary goal is to identify unusual crime activities over certain levels and time frames (i.e. considering seasonality), identify unusual community conditions, provide police services more effectively and efficiently by matching demands for service with service delivery, reduce and/or eliminate recurring problems, assist in community policing or problem-oriented policing, and providing information for resource allocation purposes (patrol scheduling).
Administrative Crime Analysis involves long range projects and tasks that include providing economic, geographic and law enforcement information to individuals whether they are in police management, city hall, city council, and neighborhood/citizen groups. The purpose of this type of analysis is financial, organizational, political, and legislative. It is critical to issues surrounding the departmental budget, legalities, personnel, and public information.