City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuPatrol Beats & Contacts
The Police Department separates Tempe into various beats (see Beat Map below) for deployment, response, and problem solving purposes. Patrol Lieutenants are responsible for their beats and work with community members, business owners, schools and other groups within the beats to address crime and public safety.
Please direct inquiries to the responsible contacts listed below.
North Patrol Command
Commander Bill Cullins 480-858-6459
Beats 11, 14, and 15
Lieutenant Rich Monteton 480-858-6486
Beats 11, 12, and 13
Lieutenant Erik Hernandez 480-858-6139
South Patrol Command
Commander Rashidi Johnson 480-858-6056
Beats 20, 22, and 24
Lieutenant David Crites 480-858-6030
Beats 19, 21, and 23
Lieutenant Aaron Levi 480-858-6246
Command Duty Officer (CDO)
Lieutenant Andrew Brooks 480-858-6494
Metro Patrol Command
Commander Kim Hale 480-350-8322
Central City Section
Lieutenant Chris McCormick 480-858-6497
Traffic Section
Lieutenant Mike Hayes 480-858-6418