City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuItems accepted for disposal at the HPCC
The Household Product Collection Center (HPCC), 1320 E. University Drive, provides residents with options to responsibly dispose of waste that is not accepted in their trash, recycling or green waste bins.
Please note, the HPCC is permitted to only receive residential items intended for waste diversion. Waste materials originating from a commercial or industrial business, including businesses operated from a Tempe residence, are not allowed. Tempe has the right to refuse any suspect commercial or industrial waste load that comes into the HPCC
Accepted items
Automotive Products
- Motor oil and oil filters
- Antifreeze
- Battery acid
- Brake fluid
- Gasoline Lubricants (WD-40)
- Power steering fluid
- Transmission fluid
- Petroleum gas cylinders
Electronics and Appliances
- Televisions
- Refrigerators
- Washer
- Dryers
- Computers
- Freezers
- Monitors
- Printers
- Water Heaters
- Microwaves
- Stoves
- Dishwashers
- A/C Units
- Anything that uses batteries or has a cord
Household Cleaning Products
- Concrete cleaner
- Copper cleaner
- Drain cleaners
- Pool cleaner
- Toilet bowl cleaner
- Ammonia cleaners
- Oven cleaners
- Spot removers
- Lye
Paints and Solvents
- Latex paint
- Oil-based paints and stains
- Acetone (nail polish remover)
- Paint thinners
- Glues
- Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
- Herbicides (Copper sulfate, Rose dust, Tree root/stump killer)
- Insecticides (Ant killers, Flea spray)
- Rodenticides (Gopher killer)
Other Household Products
- Lighter fluid
- Scrap Metal
- Perfume
- Tires
- Adhesives
- Fryer oil
- Waxes
- Tires (no tractor or semi)
- Aerosol cans
- Fireworks
- Fluorescent lamps
- Photo developers
- Mercury
- Light bulbs (CFLs, HID, Metal Halide, and Fluorescent)
Styrofoam Products
- What to bring:
- Styrofoam (hard to squeeze and when broken, looks like lots of BB's stuck together)
- Styrofoam ice chests
- Shipping and packing material
- What not to bring:
- Packing peanuts
- Flat plates and cups
- Take out containers
- Foam egg cartons
Please contact the HPCC for information on other items not listed or other opportunities to have your items re-purposed or reused.
The HPCC only accepts Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) from Tempe and Guadalupe residents. Proof of residency is required (current utility bill or Driver's License).
Items not accepted
- Commercial or industrial hazardous waste
- Items in garbage bags
- Dangerous Items such as ammunition, blasting caps, radioactive material, medical waste, gas cylinders other than propane
- Construction Debris
- Insulation
Container size
The size of a container may limit acceptability. Containers larger than 5-gallons pose unique problems for HPCC staff. The HPCC does not accept bulk containers of any HHW material, such as drums or totes. The configuration of the drop off point does not provide an area where containers this size can be safely unloaded. For assistance with large size containers, call 480-858-2223 or email. A staff member will set up a time to examine the condition of the containers and possibly schedule a pick-up. If Tempe is unable to dispose of the material, we will provide contact information for an outside contractor that can assist; however, this expense will be at the resident's expense.