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Block Party (closing a portion of a neighborhood street)

Off Hours Work Application

Oversized Vehicles

Residential Permit Parking



Annual Barricading Permits are required to operate as a barricade company within the City of Tempe. Barricade companies may apply for an annual permit by completing an online application. The following items are required in the application:

  • A copy of ATSSA Certifications for designers, field supervisors, foremen, and operations managers
  • An active certificate of insurance with coverage levels in compliance with City of Tempe requirements
  • COI cancellation agreement letter on barricade company letterhead
  • Barricade company contact information
  • Payment of Annual Barricading Permit Fee ($245.91)

Annual permits are valid for the calendar year for which they are obtained; renewals occur in January of each year. Barricade companies may submit traffic control plan (TCP) permit applications after an annual barricading permit has been obtained.

Permits may be applied for through the online portal

 Guidance Links:

If it is necessary to work after the typically allowed work hours, contractors are required to get an off-hours letter of authorization.  Fill out the Off Hour Work Application and it will be reviewed and approved by the Neighborhood Services Office (480-350-8234).

Tempe Barricading Manual PDF

Block Party   

To temporarily close your neighborhood street for a party or BBQ, complete the steps below: 

1. Fill out a block party petition and waiver at least four business days in advance of your party - The petition must include the written approval of the head of household of each residence which abuts the street proposed for the block party. In addition, if any non-block resident is denied access because of the closure, his or her approval is also required. 

Email both the permit/petition and waiver to: For safety purposes, the city may require those organizing the party to hire Tempe police officers to direct and control traffic adjacent to the block party.

2. Get the barricades and signs - The city will provide barricades and street closed signs. It's the responsibility of the party organizers to pick up and return the barricades and signs to the Traffic Operations Facility, 2090 W. Rio Salado Parkway during regular city hours (before 3:30 p.m.). A refundable deposit of $50.00 (cash or check) is required. The barricades should be set by the party organizer at the place designated by the City Transportation Division.

  • Block parties are restricted to residential areas.
  • No alterations of any kind are to be made to a street or sidewalk in preparation of or during a block party.
  • Any debris in the city right-of-way caused by the party should be removed by the party organizer immediately following the party.
  • The block party must be for non-profit purposes and may go until 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and no later than 1 a.m. on holidays and weekends.
  • Entertainment such as a band, radio or any amplifying equipment should not disturb residences beyond the perimeters of the block. 

Oversized Vehicles

The oversize/overweight vehicle policy allows legal travel on City right-of-way for oversize/overweight (OS/OW) vehicle loads. Special permit requests must be received by the City at least two working days prior to the need for issuance of the permit.

Apply for an oversized vehicle permit (instructions on using the online portal PDF)

Oversize/Overweight Minimum Limits:
  • Weight over 80,000 lbs.
  • Length over 65 ft.
  • Width over 8 feet, 6 inches
  • Height over 8 feet, 6 inches
  • Any extension front 
  • Any extension back
Fees/Special Permits for Overweight/Overheight Vehicles
  • Application fee for excess size..................................................... $21.59
  • Plus, each 30-day permit issued for excess size............................ $43.02
  • Each permit issued for excess weight............................................$35.96
  • Plus, each 30-day permit issued for excess weight........................ $71.72

Pursuant to Resolution No. 2009.41, the City Council approved annual fee adjustments based on the annual United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index—All Urban Consumers, West Region. Such fees will be adjusted each July 1. 

The applicant shall follow all requirements including required escorts, hours of travel as required under the permit. No travel shall occur unless permitted during the following hours: 
  • 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. – Monday through Friday
  • 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Monday through Friday
  • 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Monday through Friday

In accordance with the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 28-1103 and A.R.S. 28-1104 and Tempe City Code, with respect to highways under Tempe's jurisdiction may issue a special permit in writing, authorizing an applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in the Arizona Revised Statutes. 

Sec. 19-44 Overweight/oversize vehicle regulations

Sec. 19-45. Special permits for overweight and overheight vehicles 

Residential Permit Parking

For residents already living in a parking permit area:

In certain areas of Tempe, it's required for residents who live along a street to have a parking permit. Each household within the residential permit parking area is entitled to one free permit for their car each year and one free visitors pass for each property. Additional permits are $5 each per calendar year. The permit should be placed on the driver's side, rear bumper of the car OR on the driver's side, lower corner of the rear window.

Follow these steps to get, replace or renew a permit:


Mail or send scanned copies of the documents listed below to Our mailing address is 200 E Fifth Street, Mail Drop 04-1, Tempe, AZ 85281.

  • Proof of residency of the vehicle registration address (needed for new participants/vehicles only). Examples of proof of residency include a utility bill dated within the last 60 days.  We accept driver’s licenses with the property address listed or utility bills from SRP, APS, Southwest Gas, City of Tempe, Cox Communications, Century Link, Direct TV, Dish Network, cell phone company, bank statement or a current statement from the Department of Economic Security (DES). Lease agreements are not acceptable forms of proof of residency. 
  • Vehicle registration (needed for new participants/vehicles only)                                                                                                                                                                                 
  • A signed copy of the residential permit parking policy agreement PDF  (needed for new participants only)


After you receive an email from the City approving your permit, please pay online at  by selecting “Search Applications” and entering your permit number or by mailing a check for the amount indicated within the email from the City at Tempe Transportation Center, 200 E. 5th Street, Tempe, AZ 85281.


Once payment is received, your permit will be mailed to the property address within 5 business days.


  • If you need to get your permit immediately or would prefer to get your permit in person, visit the Tempe Transit Store, 200 E. Fifth St., First Floor, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 
  • For questions about getting a permit, visitor’s pass, or large gathering waiver, please contact or call 480-858-2351.
  • To request your street have permit parking: Residential Permit Parking Procedures PDF