City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuCountry Club Way Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Project
The project stretches from the U.S. 60 on the north to Warner Road on the south, roughly following the alignment of Country Club Way. The project will include a 10-foot wide concrete path, an adjacent equestrian path (between Warner and Elliot roads), landscaping, lighting, shade nodes, and a pedestrian-activated traffic signal at Warner Road. The portions of the project that are on-street will include the addition of bicycle facilities and improve the pedestrian environment and ADA access. The addition of bike lanes will not require the removal of vehicular travel lanes.
CONSTRUCTION UPDATES - Construction Project Hotline: 480-898-4100
3 Week Look Ahead Schedule PDF
April 2024 – Revised Landscape/Path Design (Elliot to Warner) PDF
February 2024 Resident Design Comments PDF
LATEST PROJECT UPDATE - October 15, 2024
The Country Club Way Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Project continues with an estimated completion in early 2025. Next steps in the project include relocation of traffic signals at Baseline Road and Guadalupe Road and striping on Country Club Way from Guadalupe Road to Cole Park. Neighbors are required to move parked vehicles 48 hours before striping work starts along both sides of Country Club Way and Watson Drive. Please follow no parking signage when posted; vehicles may be towed to a nearby location listed on the no parking notice. Future work includes installing waterlines at Country Club Way and Guadalupe Road, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps and curbs throughout the project area, traffic calming improvements on Country Club Way from Harvard Drive to Baseline Road and a traffic signal at Elliot Road.
Anticipated timeline: Ongoing through early 2025.
- Traffic signal relocation at Guadalupe Road and Country Club Way: Oct. 15 to early 2025
- Striping from Cole Park to Guadalupe Road: Oct. 23 to 25
Access to residences will be maintained during this work, but please be aware of barricades, signage, detours and lane restrictions. Please plan for extra travel time as traffic lanes will be closed or restricted. Project dates and hours are subject to change due to weather, equipment or other unforeseen issues in the field. We thank you for your continued patience as we help enhance this important transportation asset.
Design of Phase 2 from US 60 to Broadway is anticipated to begin in late 2025.
In May 2016, the Transportation Commission provided consensus with submitting this Transportation Master Plan identified project for a Maricopa Association of Governments design assistance grant; which was awarded $82,500 to develop a preliminary project assessment report and design concepts. In 2017, public meetings were held to gather feedback on the preliminary design concepts and report; and a cost estimate was developed. Following the completion of this report, staff pursued, and were awarded a federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement grant for the construction of the project.
2.2024 UtilityConflictLocations_Concepts_SurveyResponses
CCW Three Week Look Ahead 2025
6.2021 CCW Public Input
06.2021 Plan View and Rest Node Concepts
06.2021 Elliot to Warner Plan View
06.2021 Western Canal to Elliot Plan View
06.2021 Guadalupe to Western Canal Plan View
06.2021 US60 to Guadalupe Plan View
06.2021 Roadway Path Landscaping
3.2021 Public Input Summary February meetings
2.2021 Illustrated Plan View
2.2021 Rest Node Concepts
2.2021 Guadalupe Watson Alternative
2.2021 Elliot Western Canal Alternative
2.2021 Conceptual Landscape Plan
10.2020 Public Input Summary September meetings
9.2020 Western Canal to Guadalupe Rd Alternatives
9.2020 Warner Rd to Elliot Alternatives
9.2020 Watson to US60 Alternatives
9.2020 Elliot Rd to Western Canal Alternatives
9.2020 Guadalupe Rd to Watson Alternatives
9.2020 WebEx Instructions