City of Tempe, AZ
Home MenuCollege and University Grade Separated Crossing
December 2024:
The planned project for a grade separated crossing at College Avenue and University Drive has been cancelled and will not move beyond the design concept phase.
The City of Tempe, Arizona State University and other stakeholders explored several possibilities for this project and gathered input from Tempe community members and property owners in October and November 2024.
During the public input process, there was no consensus on direction for the project among community members and stakeholders alike. Additionally, construction costs and shifting priorities from partners had changed since project inception. Bearing all this in mind, the project team determine that the cost and complexity of the project did not match up with the level of community buy-in, limited relief of pedestrian impacted traffic congestion and safety risks.
The City of Tempe and ASU will continue to work with federal agencies and congressional officials to potentially re-direct allocated funds to another project.
The College and University Grade Separated Crossing Project was first initiated as part of an Arizona State University (ASU) commissioned study that the City of Tempe participated in to explore pedestrian grade separation at three high pedestrian volume intersections adjacent to the ASU campus. The goal of the study was to provide dedicated pedestrian crossings to address pedestrian/vehicular conflicts and reduce transit/vehicular congestion at the three locations. After the study was complete in 2020, the City of Tempe applied for and was awarded federal grants to complete the final design and construction of the grade separation at College Avenue and University Drive.
- Project Kick-Off: May 2024
- Data Collection: June – August 2024
- Public Meetings were held Oct. 22, 2024. Watch the video from the meeting.
- November 2024 Public Comment Summary PDF
- October 22, 2024 PowerPoint Presentation PDF
- Option 1 Pedestrian Bridge Design PDF
- Option 2A West Side Tunnel Design PDF
- Option 2B East Side Tunnel Design PDF
- Option 3 "Y" Tunnel Design PDF
Chase Walman